The average execution speed at tradshape.pro is under 80ms. Trades are executed at lightning speed with tradshape.pro, backed by institutional level market depth in a robust trading environment
Swap Rates
Tradshape both long and short swap rates for all our currency pairs and CFDs. Swap rates can be either positive or negative to your trading profits, and are determined by the overnight interest rate differential between the two instruments
Trading Hours
Clients can view the trading hours here or from our MetaTrader Platform by right-clicking on an instrument in the ‘Market Watch’ section, then clicking ‘Specification’. The opened window will show the Trading Hours for any specific trading instruments.
Please be aware that tradshape.pro's server time and charts are GMT+2 or GMT+3, (During daylight savings time)
Many brokerages lost their Tier-1 Prime Brokerage Accounts after the Great Financial Crisis. Tradshape has retained its Tier-1 status, and offers deep and reliable pools of liquidity from multiple providers with market leading spreads. Spreads on majors can go as low as 0.0 pips on our platforms
Margin and Leverage
Leverage means that you can effectively trade larger positions with your available capital. The use of leverage is a double-edged sword however, as it can magnify losses as well as profits